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Showing posts from August 8, 2010

Music Review: Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars

Speed: 109 bpm Recommended bpm range: 105 to 110 bpm , 110 to 115 bpm The DJ’s Take: It’s not too often that you see a new and faster pop track that isn’t in the 100 - 105 bpm range, or 115 - 130 . But it’s cool too, because that means you have more potential songs you can mix it with, depending on the speed you’re mixing at (see my recommendations below). As far as the song itself goes, I like the shuffling break beat, and Bruno Mars is a solid vocalist. Maybe a little on the touchy-feely, sentimental side for the club, although I wouldn’t be surprised if an electro remix pops up at some point. But at the very least, it’s worth a spot on your mixtape or demo. Download the MP3: Amazon DJs - mix this with: Motown Philly - Boyz II Men (if mixing at ~112 bpm), Nothin On You - B.o.B ft. Bruno Mars (if mixing at ~106 bpm)

Music Review: Teenage Dream - Katy Perry

Speed: 121 bpm Recommended bpm range: 115 to 120 bpm , 120 to 125 bpm The DJ’s Take: As The Round Mound of Rebound would say, this song is turrible . But it somehow slipped into the Billboard Top 10, and it’s gotten a lot of hype on MTV lately, so you figure young females around the country already know it and like it. Plus, it’s in the same basic key and bpm as Usher’s new song , so that’s at least 6-7 minutes of bliss for your average top 40 fan. Try it out yourself this weekend, and leave a comment below to let us know how it goes. Download the song: Amazon DJs - mix this with: DJ Got Us Fallin In Love Again - Usher