Besides a new #1, not much of a change from last month:
BMC Top 5 Singles for February 2012:
1. Levels - Avicii
2. Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO
3. Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO
4. Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People
5. Look At Me Now - Chris Brown
Top 5 BPMs for February 2012:
1. 130 bpm
2. 125 bpm
3. 100 bpm
4. 135 bpm
5. 115 bpm
Definitely looks like faster bpm's and LMFAO were in favor among dj's in February. While the top 5 were basically unchanged, there are definitely some contenders knocking on the door. It'll be interesting to see who makes a breakthrough next month.
Got your own ideas about what should be in the Top 5? Leave a comment.
(Photo via Morguefile)