#1 stays the same, but there was some turnover from April lower down the list:
BMC Top 5 Singles for May 2012:
1. Levels - Avicii
2. Wild Ones - Flo Rida ft. Sia
3. Climax - Usher
4. Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO
5. Where Have You Been - Rihanna
Top 5 BPMs for May 2012:
1. 130 bpm
2. 125 bpm
3. 120 bpm
4. 100 bpm
5. 135 bpm
Couple notes to mention. First, we did have a distinct #1 and #2 in terms of singles, but it was a photo finish. And based on my own observations at local bars (haven't been to a club in awhile), pop EDM is still king by a wide margin. What else is new.
Got your own ideas about what should be in the Top 5? Leave a comment.
(Photo via Morguefile)